place Category:抽象代数
Group actions and some applications
2021-09-10 / Tuo Wang
Group actions and some applications……
Group actions and some applications
2021-09-10 / Tuo Wang
Abstract algebraGroup theoryGroup actions and some applications……
Some methods to prove that alternating group of degree 4 contains no subgroup of order 6
2021-09-09 / Tuo Wang
Some methods to prove that $A_4$ contains no subgroup of order 6……
Some methods to prove that alternating group of degree 4 contains no subgroup of order 6
2021-09-09 / Tuo Wang
Some methods to prove that $A_4$ contains no subgroup of order 6.Definition 1Let $\sigma$ be a permutation in $S_n$ , write $\sigma$ as the product of disjoint cycles , and the form of $\sigma$ is said to be $1^{\lambda_1}2^{\lambda_2}\cdots n^{\lambda_r}$ if there are $\lambda_r$ cycles of length $r$,($1\le r\le n$). Example 1The form of the permutation $\sigma=(1\quad 2\quad 3)(4\quad 5) $ in $ S_7$ is $1^22^13^14^05^06^07^0=1^22^13^1$……
2021-09-08 / Tuo Wang
抽象代数群论群同态基本定理,对应定理等的一些应用举例题目一:设N是群G的正规子群,证明:N是G的极大正规子群的充要条件是$ G/N $是单群……
2021-09-07 / Tuo Wang
抽象代数群论有限Abel群是循环群的一些充要条件引理:设$a$是有限Able群G中阶最大的元素,即 o(a)=max\{o(g)|g\in G\}则对任意的$g\in G$,有$o(g)|o(a)$,其中$o(a)$表示$a$的阶(周期) 由此可知$o(a)$是G中所有元素的阶的最小公倍数……
2021-09-06 / Tuo Wang
抽象代数 群论有关自同构群的一些问题问题一:若G是无限循环群,则$ AutG $为2阶循环群……
2021-09-05 / Tuo Wang
抽象代数群论与商群有关的一类问题问题一:设G是群,H是G的正规子群,若H在G中的指数$ [G:H]=n $有限,则$\forall x\in G\text{有} x^n\in H $ 证明:考虑商群$G/H$,由于$ |G/H|=[G:H]=n $,而$ xH\in G/H $,故$ x^nH=(xH)^n=H $ 故$ x^n\in H $……
2021-09-04 / Tuo Wang
抽象代数群论正规子群的一些判定方法方法一:设H是群G的子群,则$ H\lhd G \Leftrightarrow \forall g\in G $ ,有$ gH=Hg~(\text{或}gHg^{-1}=H) $ 方法二:设H是群G的子群,,则$ H\lhd G \Leftrightarrow \forall g\in G,h\in H $ ,有$ ghg^{-1}\in H $……
2021-09-03 / Tuo Wang
抽象代数群论陪集分解与Lagrange定理定义:陪集分解设H是群G的子群,设H在G中的指数为r,即$[G:H]=r$,则称 G=a_0 H\cup a_1 H\cup \cdots\cup a_{r-1} H其中$a_0=e$,$a_i H\cap a_j H=\varnothing $,为群G关于其子群H的陪集分解……